Sunday, February 11, 2007

Exciting Times at "The Farm"!

This weekend has been quite relaxing. I’ve had coffee with friends, borrowed a car and made a Wal-Mart run, and learned a new board game. This board game was awesome. It is actually from Europe and beats any American game hands-down! It was called - Ticket to Ride. I play with strategy, so often I was called the "speed-bump". So, needless to say, it got a little competitive . . . but all in good fun! Games are always a nice stress reliever and give your mind a much needed break.

Today was another “Day of Rest”. Many people may assume that we go to church somewhere . . . we don’t. We participate in “House Church”. Each small group is like its own church. Honestly, I was a little skeptical as to how it would function, but it was amazing. We opened by reading a Psalm, had a time for testimonies, sang and read from Isaiah 6 and followed that up by SPECKA questions (A Sin to confess? A Promise to claim? An Example to follow? A Command to obey? Knowledge to understand? An Application to my life? – I would recommend these when studying the Word). I recently read a book about church planting movements, and that’s how they flourish . . . through new believers meeting in homes. It’s a pretty awesome concept. If you have a free moment, read Church Planting Movements by David Garrison. You won’t be disappointed!

Tonight we have our Mapping Ceremony. Each of us will introduce ourselves, share where we are going, a prayer request and then place our picture on the country where we are headed to serve. I’m excited about it.

Oh, one more thing. To anyone that I normally communicate with through Facebook . . . the site has been blocked. So please, comment on, rather than on the note in Facebook. And if you have written on my wall or sent a message or poked – don’t think I’m avoiding you! Write on my blog or email me!!

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