Sunday, June 24, 2007

The More the Merrier!!

I believe this is the Peruvian motto . . . when it comes to people and modes of transportation! Why carry only what the van or car can hold when you can cram so many more?

I was riding in the combi (a van slightly smaller than a 15 passenger) the other day and counted 27 people. Yes, that’s right! 27 PEOPLE! My mom said I should have taken a picture . . . but with that many bodies in one vehicle, movement is pretty limited.

Claudia and I caught a taxi to Colorado, along with 6 other people. She showed great kindness by allowing me to ride shotgun and saving me the enjoyment of being crammed in the middle of the Peruvians. Upon arrival in Santa Rosa, we boarded a peki-peki and crossed the river to Puerto Carlos. We spotted the taxi that would take us to Colorado (only trucks go to CO, we would soon find out why), and asked what time it would be heading out – no time was given. Welcome to the culture where they only view watches as an accessory and not something that binds them to a schedule! After an almost 2 hour wait on the playa (beach), we took off. This taxi was the final one of the day, so I believe there were 11 of us. Claudia and I volunteered to ride in the bed. For 3 hours I was sitting with my knees to my chin, as we rocked and rolled and slid through more mud than you can imagine (knee-deep in several places)! At one point, the road got so bad we had to make a detour . . . THROUGH THE JUNGLE! By the time we arrived in Colorado, all my joints were out of whack and my back was bruised from being thrashed against the side of the truck bed. It was an experience. Together, we found a hostal and finally got to just sit still. I received a lot of stares while in town . . . apparently not many gringos frequent the area. As we were walking to Carmen’s house, this one little girl shouted, “Mira! Mira! Gringa! Gringa!” It was the highlight of her day. Another little group of kids followed me a ways and asked what I was doing. Oh kids. Our trip home was just as rough, but I was able to sit in the cab and talk to this one man seated next to me, it was much more enjoyable.

My conversation skills are increasing!! My conversations with my friends in town are getting longer and longer. I always walk away smiling.

Check out the newest pictures (still not a lot . . . I know, sorry).
Link for pictures:

To those friends who were hoping for an anaconda story . . . maybe next time!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a very good trip A!

We are praying for you here in Arlington, and can't wait to hear more life changing stories.

Keep up the most excellent work!!!