Friday, November 30, 2007

Quick update . . .

I am at the Lima airport, waiting to board the plane that will take me to my new home. I am excited.

Today started at 5:15 AM, with me trying to finish packing. Somehow over the last 8 months, I have acquired more stuff . . . so it was a challenge getting everything stuffed into my trunk and duffle bags. And then loading all that junk on a motocarro . . . it was a sight! But I made it with plenty of time to spare.

I was blessed today with the company of 2 new friends, who met me for lunch and hung out with me during my layover. We got to talk about our ministries here in Perù and all God is teaching us. My heart is refreshed and ready to go!

Tuesday, I will be leaving for my first trip. Please pray for safety and an opportunity to share a story. I am both excited and a tad nervous. I look forward to learning a lot. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

Here is the link to the newest facebook photo album: Training & Graduation Pictures

1 comment:

Ben, Abby and Abe Lowery said...

praying for you and your ministry! this is really cheesy - but i'm so proud of you!